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QA and QC: The Pillars of Our Development Process

This article provides an in-depth understanding of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC), their roles in software development, and how they are implemented at TukuToi. It emphasizes the importance of these processes in delivering bug-free, secure, and maintainable software.

Understanding QA and QC

For those new to these terms, let’s break them down. QC is all about testing a product to uncover defects. It’s done under both normal and abnormal conditions, with the aim of trying to make things break. The goal is to detect issues before they reach the end user.

QA, on the other hand, is about improving and stabilizing the production process itself. It’s about analyzing the issues that led to defects and ensuring they don’t happen again. It’s also about detecting potential problems that could arise from a new process and trying to avoid them. In essence, while QC addresses detection of issues, QA is all about prevention.

You can also read more on these concepts on an older article we published, explaining the QA and QC concepts.

QA and QC in Action at TukuToi

At TukuToi, I am our QA Engineer, a one-man operation :D, and have a deep understanding of the development process and how it aligns with our organizational goals. I oversee code development, vigilantly scan for potential issues, and ensure that our company objectives are consistently met. With a wealth of coding experience and a keen insight into our business, I am equipped with a unique skill set that includes diplomacy, relative thinking, effective communication, and a comprehensive understanding of the code (since I also write the code myself).

Simultaneously I also oversee QC Engineering, a blend of human intuition and machine precision, operating with a ‘test to break’ mindset. I actively use the product and appreciate the necessity of a secure and stable solution.

Our approach to QA is rooted in the principles of the Six Sigma methodology, which we use to drive continuous improvement. We learn from our missteps and apply professional strategies to prevent their recurrence. It’s important to note that while we often speak from a ‘we’ perspective, TukuToi’s QA and QC operations are effectively a one-man show, demonstrating the power of dedication and expertise I put into this endeavour.

The Importance of QA and QC

Why do we need QA and QC? Simply put, software has bugs. These can arise from miscommunication, software complexity, programming errors, time pressures, developer egos, poorly designed or documented code, and software development tools. We are humans and we make mistakes. That’s why QA needs to supervise, and QC needs to test.

With a proper development cycle and QA/QC, we can deliver “Good Software and Good Code”. This means bug-free software that does what it’s supposed to do, is secure, readable, and maintainable. It’s software that you can install and start using according to the “how-to” document, without any surprises.

At TukuToi, QA and QC are not just concepts, they are the pillars of our development process. They help us deliver the high-quality software and website development services that our clients have come to expect from us.

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