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How to make a WordPress Site Faster?

Discover essential tips and plugins to make your WordPress site faster and improve user experience.

Are you facing issues regarding your WordPress site speed? If yes, then get ready to lose your hard-earned money or invest in improving site speed. Nobody wants to lose potential customers who visit your website regularly. According to recent reports, 53% of visitors switch to fast sites if it takes more than 3 sec to load. Moreover, some users expect to access your web page in less than 2 seconds. Slow site speed annoys your visitors and a negative user experience raises by 79%.

Before relying on plugins for a permanent solution, speed up your WordPress through basic tips. First thing first, be choosy about your hosting provider to retain major traffic. Let’s discuss that how you can avoid common mistakes to make WordPress fast.

Tips to speed up WordPress

  1. Your website size may hinder your site speed and load time increases. So, keep the size low and ensure user experience and quality of services.
  2. Do not neglect quality, while creating your website. This may lead to difficult site optimization and WordPress slows down.
  3. Work on your home page and improve its optimization for an enhanced user experience.
  4. Reducing the number of posts may prove helpful.
  5. Make your WordPress simple, and produce and display content essential for the users.
  6. Poor WordPress site coding attracts low or no visitors. Installing quality themes for WordPress can speed up your site load time.
  7. Inactive plugins make your website slow and divert users towards the faster website. Thus, install only functional and important plugins.

Confused about which plugin to keep and which not? Here is a complete plugin guide to assist you in achieving faster load time.

WordPress Plugins for Fast Load Time

Give a boost to your WordPress through effective use of plugins and optimize your website. Let’s explore some of the best plugins to make your WordPress site fast.

Cache Enabler

Presented by KeyCDN, Cache Enabler is a simple and easy to use Plugin. It comes with multiple features like automatic cache clear and efficient working. This WP plugin only takes few minutes to set up and requires minimal configuration. Moreover, this cache plugin assists your site in improving performance and helps your site to load fast.


  • Clear site cache at a fast pace manually
  • This plugin helps schedule the expiry cache and provide multiple support
  • Furthermore, there is an option to remove selective posts and program them to clear after a new post generation.

WP Fastest Cache

If WP speed is your major objective, then WP-Fastest-cache is an easy to use and easy to setup plugin. More than 1 million users have access to this fastest platform, which comes with premium features as well.

Ready to install and get your hands on this plugin? WP Fastest Cache comes with the free version and you will have a speedy WordPress site.


  • Desktop, Widget and Mobile cache handling
  • Minify HTML and CSS
  • GZIP and browser caching
  • well-optimized image and database cleanup
  • delete cache logs

WP Rocket

If you have been looking for a one-stop solution for your website, then the WP Rocket plugin promises high performance. The moment you get WP Rocket activation, your website runs at a faster pace with multiple features.

Get benefit from this user-friendly and ultra-fast WP plugin, which offers a complete package. WP Rocket caches pages automatically and readily available to users.


  • Cache pre-loading
  • GZIP Compression
  • Ecommerce optimization
  • Browser Caching
  • Compatible with popular themes and plugins
  • Minify CSS and JS files
  • LazyLoad images
  • Integrate CDN with ease
  • Add-ons and automatic configuration
  • Fast database cleanup and well-optimization
  • Google tracking and Cloudflare integration

WP Smush

Moving on to the next plugin that compresses images without affecting page quality. This award-winning plugin optimizes your webpage; enhance quality and speeds up your website at the same time. More than 1 million active installations use its 3.8.4 version.


  • Compress up to 50 images with just one-click
  • Optimize images by striping unused data
  • WP Smush process JPEG, PNG and GIF files
  • Detect poorly optimize images hinders your site
  • Up to 5MB image optimization is free without monthly limits
  • Optimizes all the media library and non-media images

WP Super Minify

Another plugin that you can try for WordPress is Super Minify with a rating of 4 out of 5. All you have to do is to download and upload WP-super-minify into the directory and then activate it through the plugin menu.


  • Load your website quickly as this plugin combines the two files CSS and JavaScript.
  • There you go with an optimized and fast WP solution.

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache enhances the overall performance of your site to 10x and loads it faster. With more than 1 million trusted active installation, you will get improved search engine ranking and high conversion rates. When you minify CSS, HTML, and JS files, you will get 80% bandwidth savings.


  • Compatibility with shared and dedicated server hosting
  • AMP and SSL support
  • Optimized CDN
  • Reverse proxy integration
  • Browser and database caching


Here comes another WP plugin used by 1 million users for effective site optimization. Retaining potential customers is no more your headache. It also improves your WordPress SEO.


  • Database clean up
  • Compresses and optimizes images
  • Cache your pages
  • Speed up your pages eventually


NitroPack is another popular plugin that makes your WP fast and optimizes the site. You can use customize settings to achieve high performance and improved load time.


  • Optimizes site images automatically
  • Minify and compress HTML, JS, and CSS
  • Prefetch DNS
  • Support WordPress and CMS
  • Allows image conversion in advanced formats
  • Automatic configuration and CDN optimization

Winding Up

You can also try plugins like WP YouTube Lyte, Asset-Cleanup, Heartbeat Control-WP Rocket, OMGF and WP User Avatar for a fast site. With a single plugin, you may get amazing speed results and win user confidence. However, only install that plugin you need the most. WP Rocket and WP Fast Cache are highly recommended for higher WordPress performance.

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